Our Story
Our Story

As avid fans of Maine craft beer, we had a dream to bring a fun and creative craft beer experience to Main Street in the heart of Yarmouth village. The plan was to create a hyperlocal, community based pub where families and friends could gather for laughs or come together and support local causes while enjoying great local small-batch beer and food.

The community is made up of vibrant, supportive people, and we wanted to provide them with a place to call their own. A place that honors the hardworking, family based community roots that have made Maine what it is today.

The story behind the history of the location of Brickyard Hollow in Yarmouth is fascinating. A low lying area of land, centrally located in the village, was filled in with bricks of paper ash circa 1895 to provide a meeting place for the split communities of Yarmouth.

We will continue to strive to maintain that proud tradition of bringing people together.

-Frank Grondin & Brad Moll

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The community is made up of vibrant, supportive people, and we wanted to provide them with a place to call their own. A place that honors the hardworking, family based community roots that have made Maine what it is today.

The story behind the history of the location of Brickyard Hollow in Yarmouth is fascinating. A low lying area of land, centrally located in the village, was filled in with bricks of paper ash circa 1895 to provide a meeting place for the split communities of Yarmouth.

We will continue to strive to maintain that proud tradition of bringing people together.

-Frank Grondin & Brad Moll

Our Story


Although it might be hard to believe, the coastal town of Yarmouth wasn’t always the idyllic Maine town. The property at 236 Main St., where the original Brickyard Hollow Brewery resides, was once a wet, muddy stretch of terrain that separated Yarmouth’s fishing industry from its inland farming community.

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At the turn of the 20th century, the town decided to eliminate the swampy dividing line and fill in the hollow with black ash from a local paper mill established nearby on the Royal River. This area started as grounds for community gatherings, and in time, the area was populated with the local institutions that make up the heart of Yarmouth’s Main Street.


Our mission at Brickyard Hollow is to keep the history of our beloved town at the forefront, continue to be a community gathering place. As we expand throughout the region, our goal is treat each expansion like the Yarmouth model. Always putting the community first. We hope to bring Brickyard’s excellent pizza, beer, and community support to more of New England!